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Freshwater Fishing Tips and Tricks

Spring fishing season is upon us here at The Franklin Club, and with anglers taking to the pristine waters of our three beautiful lakes and ponds, we want to highlight some of our best freshwater fishing tips and tricks!

1. Get Organized

The more time you can spend actually fishing, the better – you don’t want to be scrambling with your gear when you should be casting off.

That’s why we recommend getting your tackle and bait in order before you hit the water. Doing this optimizes your time and ensures you spend the majority of it doing what you love – catching fish!

2. Look to the Sky and Watch the Weather

Freshwater fish are sensitive to their surrounding environment, meaning everything from the weather to moon phases and solar positions can affect their behaviour.

For example, days on or around important moon phases are often excellent times to nab a freshwater catch. The sun can have the opposite effects: bright sunlight can be agitating to fish, as can hot and muggy weather periods, which will drive them to be less active.

3. Check the Temperature

It’s also important to remember that each species of freshwater fish has a maximum and a minimum water temperature that they prefer swimming in. Research which fish species you’re interested in catching and learn what their optimal water temperature is.

4. Choose the Right Bait and Tackle

Live bait such as worms and minnows are a favourite of many species of freshwater fish. But good bait only goes so far, you also want to make sure you are using the right tackle.
You want to ensure your tackle is the right weight and size to attract the specific freshwater fish species you’re angling for. It pays to do a bit of research beforehand to ensure you are heading onto the water prepped with the right bait and tackle for the species you are fishing.

5. Ensure Your Lines Are Strong and Hooks Sharp

It goes without saying: if your lines are brittle and your hooks are dull, don’t expect to hook too many fish. The last thing you want is to lose your catch to a broken line or a hook that just won’t take.

So before you head onto the water, make sure your gear is in good order, with lines that are without wear and tear and hooks that are freshly sharpened.

6. Wash Your Hands

This may seem like an odd tip, but it is an important one! The reason lies in the fact that fish have a very sensitive sense of smell. If they catch even the slightest scent of something on the bait, such as bug spray, sunscreen or moisturizer, they won’t bite.

So be mindful, and ensure your hands are clean when you handle your bait.

Enjoy some of Ontario’s best freshwater fishing at The Franklin Club!

Join The Franklin Club and enjoy year-round trout fishing and exclusive amenities. With a 200-acre property boasting three fully stocked, beautiful bodies of water – Harrison Pond, Douglass Pond and the 22-acre Franklin Lake – it’s no wonder why The Franklin Club is considered “fishing at its finest”.

For more information about The Franklin Club and how to become a member, contact us today!

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